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################################################################################ -- ardebit -- If ELBS A/R does not equal A/R G/L Account, this sql will find the potential -- problem ledger index for a debit ledger code (ie. FEES, HCOST, etc.) -- Run this sql to find potential problem ledger index for specific DEBIT -- ledger code(s). i.e. FEES, HCOST, etc. -- Change the ledger code(s) in 2 places, and the corresponding A/R GL -- account segment(s) in 1 place. -- Change the period in 3 places. -- NOTE: if a Gl account is used for both debit and credit ledger codes, -- this sql will need to be modified accordingly. (i.e. GL account for -- FEES and UNAFEE (unallocated fees)) -- Insert a line such as -- 'insert into t1 select lindex,-lamount from ledger -- where lperiod='XXXX' and llcode='YYYY' and laptoin is null' -- after the other 'insert into t1' and before 'select gpnum' -- where 'YYYY' is the credit ledger code. -- Original sql from Elite Users Conference 2000 -- Modified for use with Informix by Peter Schmidt select lindex, lamount from ledger where lperiod="0501" and llcode in ("FEE","CFEES","FF") into temp temp1 with no log; insert into temp1 select l1.lindex, -l1.lamount from ledger l1, ledger l2 where l1.lperiod="0501" and l1.laptoin=l2.lindex and l2.llcode in ("FEE","CFEES","FF"); select gpnum,sum(gpamount) gpa from glpost, batch where bper="0501" and bbatch=gpbatch and gpprimary="1371000" group by gpnum into temp temp2 with no log; -- This should match the AR Rec current period bills-collections-credits select sum(lamount) from temp1; -- This should matches the GL for the current period (argj.sql) select sum(gpa) from temp2; select lindex,lamount,gpa from temp1, outer temp2 where temp1.lindex=temp2.gpnum into temp temp3 with no log; select gpnum,lamount,gpa from temp2, outer temp1 where temp1.lindex=temp2.gpnum into temp temp4 with no log; delete from temp4 where lamount is not null; update temp4 set gpnum=0 where gpnum is null; insert into temp3 select * from temp4; update temp3 set lamount=0 where lamount is null; update temp3 set gpa=0 where gpa is null; -- Following should match the 2 figures reported above, and -- hopefully the difference is the OOB amount! select sum(lamount),sum(gpa) from temp3; select * from temp3 where lamount<>gpa into temp temp5 with no log; select temp5.*, ledger.lmatter, ledger.llcode, ledger.linvoice from temp5, outer ledger where temp5.lindex=ledger.lindex into temp temp6 with no log; select lmatter,llcode,linvoice,sum(lamount) lamount,sum(gpa) gpa from temp6 group by lmatter,llcode,linvoice into temp temp7 with no log; select * from temp7 where lamount<>gpa into temp temp8 with no log; select * from temp6 where lmatter in (select lmatter from temp8) or lmatter is null order by lmatter,llcode,linvoice,lindex; ################################################################################