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################################################################################ # # Module: # # Description: # Delete (or recycle) all Elite reports for a selected user over a certain age. # # Author: Peter R. Schmidt # # Change Log # # Date Person Description # # 03/28/2002 Peter Schmidt Start program # ################################################################################ . /elite/custom/run.elite echo "enter USER id (or * for all users)" read USER echo echo "enter how many days old to delete" read AGE echo echo "Recycle or Delete files ? (r/d)" read OPTION1 if [ $USER = * ]; then RECYCLE=RECYCLE_BIN3 else RECYCLE=RECYCLE_BIN3_${USER} fi if [ $OPTION1 != d ]; then if [ ! -d $RECYCLE ]; then mkdir $RECYCLE fi fi cd $RECYCLE STAT_OLD=${USER}_winoutstat_old.unl DELETE_ID_FILE=${USER}_delete_id.unl DELETE_RPT=${USER}_delete_rpt.out WINOUTSTAT=${USER}_winoutstat.unl echo "backup rows to be deleted from the winoutstat table." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF unload to "$STAT_OLD" select * from winoutstat where (today - wodate0) > $AGE and wouser matches "*${USER}*"; EOF if [ ! -s $STAT_OLD ]; then echo "Note: no rows older then $AGE days old" dbaccess son_db <<-EOF select wodate0, (today - wodate0) age, count(*) from winoutstat where wouser matches "*${USER}*" group by 1,2 order by 1,2 EOF exit 1 fi echo echo "Unloading older rows from table..." IFS="|" CNT=0 while read WOINDEX WOUSER WOUSER1 WOREPORT WOTITLE WOFILE WODATE0 WOTIME0 WOSTAT1 WODESC1 WODATE1 WOTIME1 WOSTAT2 WODESC2 WODATE2 WOTIME2 WOFILE2 WOPID do CNT=`expr $CNT + 1` if [ "${WOFILE}x" = "x" ]; then echo "$CNT NO FILENAME for $WOUSER on $WODATE0 $WOREPORT " echo "$WOINDEX" >> $DELETE_ID_FILE continue fi if [ -s $WOFILE ]; then echo "$CNT $WOFILE for $WOUSER on $WODATE0 exists $WOREPORT " echo "$WOINDEX" >> $DELETE_ID_FILE else echo "$CNT $WOFILE for $WOUSER on $WODATE0 is missing $WOREPORT " echo "$WOINDEX" >> $DELETE_ID_FILE fi done < $STAT_OLD echo echo "select records to be deleted from winoutstat." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF create temp table peter1 (f1 integer); !echo "load id's to be deleted into temp table" load from "$DELETE_ID_FILE" insert into peter1; !echo "Unload records to be deleted into ascii file" unload to "$WINOUTSTAT" select * from winoutstat where woindex in (select f1 from peter1) order by wouser, wodate0; EOF echo "Printing Report" awk ' \ BEGIN { FS="|" } { WOINDEX=$1 WOUSER=$2 WOUSER1=$3 WOREPORT=$4 WOTITLE=$5 WOFILE=$6 WODATE0=$7 WOTIME0=$8 WOSTAT1=$9 WODESC1=$10 WODATE1=$11 WOTIME1=$12 WOSTAT2=$13 WODESC2=$14 WODATE2=$15 WOTIME2=$16 WOFILE2=$17 WOPID=$18 printf "%-4d %-8s %-10s %s %s\n",NR, WOUSER,WODATE0,WOFILE,WOREPORT } ' $WINOUTSTAT > $DELETE_RPT pg $DELETE_RPT echo echo "Press <Enter> to recycle or delete records ( <INTERRUPT> to quit )" read answer echo echo "delete records from winoutstat..." dbaccess son_db <<-EOF create temp table peter1 (f1 integer); !echo "load id's to be deleted into temp table" load from "$DELETE_ID_FILE" insert into peter1; !echo "delete rows from winoutstat..." delete from winoutstat where woindex in (select f1 from peter1); EOF echo echo "Recycle or delete Unix files..." echo while read WOINDEX WOUSER WOUSER1 WOREPORT WOTITLE WOFILE WODATE0 WOTIME0 WOSTAT1 WODESC1 WODATE1 WOTIME1 WOSTAT2 WODESC2 WODATE2 WOTIME2 WOFILE2 WOPID do if [ "${WOFILE}x" = "x" ]; then continue fi if [ -f $WOFILE ]; then ls -ls $WOFILE | tee -a $DELETE_RPT if [ $OPTION1 = d ]; then rm $WOFILE else mv $WOFILE ../$RECYCLE fi fi done < $STAT_OLD echo echo "Completed" ################################################################################