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################################################################################ # # Module: # Author: Peter R. Schmidt # Description: Rebuild an informix table to eliminate extents # or move to a different dbspace # Version 3: Designed to handle tables with fragment by expression # Version 4: Reset the "NEXT" extent size AFTER the re-org id completed. # Thanks Tim Gerrity - why didn't I think of that ? # # Change Log # # Date Name Description................. # 04/28/98 Peter R. Schmidt Start Program # 08/19/99 Peter R. Schmidt Improvements # 12/07/99 Peter R. Schmidt Anticpate tables with same name to reside in # multiple databases at the same time # 12/08/99 Peter R. Schmidt Add notes based on real-world experiences. # 07/21/01 Peter R. Schmidt Add notes about long transaction errors # 05/18/05 Peter R. Schmidt Handle fragment by expression # 05/25/05 Peter R. Schmidt Reset the "NEXT" extent size AFTER the re-org id completed # ################################################################################ PAGESIZE=2048 BOLD=`tput smso` NORMAL=`tput rmso` TEMP1="reorg3.1.tmp" TEMP2="reorg3.2.tmp.sql" DBSPACE_EXCLUDE="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" # OPTION: LIST ANY EXCLUDED DBSPACES HERE !!! (used in a where clause) rm -f $TEMP1 $TEMP2 tput clear echo "Rebuild an Informix table to eliminate extents" echo "or move to a different dbspace." echo echo "Note: this procedure will move the entire table into " echo "a single non-fragmented dbspace using the alter fragment statement." echo echo "This seems to be a much better alternative then unloading, dropping, " echo "recreating and reloading the table." echo echo "Note: Since you are unable to alter the initial extent size," echo "you must be satisfied with changing only the NEXT extent." echo "The consequence of this, is that when you reorg a table that" echo "initially had undersized extents, the new first extent will be" echo "created with the existing (small) size, but all additional extents", echo "will be created with the new NEXT (larger) size. Also, if you are " echo "lucky, the new extents will fall into contiguous spaces and you will " echo "end up with fewer larger extents." echo echo "Press <Enter> for more notes..." read answer echo echo "Note 1: reorganizing a table that uses a large amount of disk space," echo "but with a small number of rows (because of deleted records)" echo "seems to work really fast." echo echo "Note 2: this procedure will fill up your logical logs." echo "Make sure that continuous logging to tape is running, or" echo "disable transaction logging before running this procedure." echo echo "Note 3: Long transactions ARE a problem (updated 7/21/2001)." echo "The alter table creates one long transaction." echo "If the table to be changed is as big as half of your logical logs," echo "you will need to disable transaction logging or add more logs." echo echo "Note 4: What happens if you request an next extent size larger then" echo "the largest available contiguous space ? Informix will grab the " echo "largest space it can and continue on without a problem." echo echo "Note 5: How much total free space do you need ? I think you may need" echo "as much free space as the size of the table you are reorganizing." echo "(Unless there are many deleted rows)" echo echo "Press <Enter> for more notes..." read answer echo echo "Note 6: If the table is already fragmented by expression, then this" echo "version will retain the original fragmentation scheme. In this case," echo "you cannot use this program to relocate the table to a different dbspace." echo if [ $LOGNAME != informix ] then echo echo "Note: you must be logged on as informix to run this procedure." exit 1 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while true do while true do echo "Note: using a PAGE SIZE of: $PAGESIZE" echo echo "Enter the Informix tablename to reorganize (or INTERRUPT to stop)." read TABLENAME echo echo "Checking - please stand by..." COUNT=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<-EOF select count(distinct dbsname) count from systabnames where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; EOF` # echo "Debug: count=$COUNT" COUNT=`echo $COUNT | cut -d" " -f2` # cut column name from list if [ $COUNT = 0 ] then echo echo "Sorry, tabname: $BOLD$TABLENAME$NORMAL does not seem to exist!" echo continue fi if [ $COUNT = 1 ] then echo echo "Getting current database for this table..." DATABASE=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<-! select distinct dbsname from systabnames where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; !` DATABASE=`echo $DATABASE| cut -d" " -f2-` # cut column name from select results echo echo "Note: This table resides in the $BOLD$DATABASE$NORMAL database." else echo echo "Hmmmmm - Interesting. It appears that this table exists in multiple databases." echo "Please stand by while I check further..." DATABASE_LIST1=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<-! select dbsname from systabnames where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; !` DATABASE_LIST1=`echo $DATABASE_LIST1 | cut -d" " -f2-` # Eliminate column name from list echo echo "The table $BOLD$TABLENAME$NORMAL resides in the following databases:" echo $BOLD echo $DATABASE_LIST1 | tr " " "\n" echo $NORMAL while true do echo echo "Please specify which database you wish to change." read DATABASE COUNT=`echo $DATABASE_LIST1 | grep $DATABASE | wc -l` if [ $COUNT != 1 ] then echo echo "Sorry, $DATABASE is not a valid database for this table." echo "Please try again." continue else break fi done fi COUNTSYS=`echo $TABLENAME | cut -c1-3 | egrep "^sys" | wc -l` COUNTSYS=`expr $COUNTSYS + 0` if [ $COUNTSYS != 0 ] then echo echo "Sorry, SYSTEM tables (beginning with 'sys') " echo "may not be changed with this procedure!" continue fi break done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Getting previous fragmentation by expression info..." dbschema -d $DATABASE -t $TABLENAME -ss $TEMP1 > /dev/null awk ' BEGIN { flag1=0 } /fragment by expression/ { flag1=1 } /extent size/ { flag1=2 } { if (NR == 1) { printf "alter fragment on table %s init\n",TABLENAME } if (flag1==1) print $0 } ' < $TEMP1 TABLENAME=$TABLENAME > $TEMP2 FB_EXPRESSION=`grep -c "fragment by expression" $TEMP2` if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo echo "Note: table is ${BOLD}NOT${NORMAL} fragmented by expression" else echo echo "Note: table is ${BOLD}fragmented by expression${NORMAL}" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo echo "Table validated - getting current dbspace - please stand by..." DBSPACE=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null << ! select dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) dbspace from systabnames where tabname = "$TABLENAME" and dbsname = "$DATABASE"; !` DBSPACE=`echo $DBSPACE | cut -d" " -f2` # Eliminate column name from the list echo echo "Note: This table resides in the $BOLD$DBSPACE$NORMAL dbspace." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Checking extents - please stand by..." EXT_INFO=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null << ! select dbsname, count(*) num_of_extents, sum(pe_size) total_size from systabnames, sysptnext where partnum = pe_partnum and tabname = "$TABLENAME" and dbsname = "$DATABASE" group by 1 order by 1; !` EXT_INFO=`echo $EXT_INFO | tail -1` EXTENTS=`echo $EXT_INFO | cut -d" " -f5` PAGES=`echo $EXT_INFO | cut -d" " -f6` KSIZE=`expr $PAGES \* $PAGESIZE \/ 1024` #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Getting previous extent settings..." OLDNEXT=`dbaccess $DATABASE 2>/dev/null << ! select nextsize from systables where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; !` OLDNEXT=`echo $OLDNEXT | cut -d" " -f2` OLDFEXT=`dbaccess $DATABASE 2>/dev/null << ! select fextsize from systables where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; !` OLDFEXT=`echo $OLDFEXT | cut -d" " -f2` #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo echo "Getting available dbspaces..." AVAIL=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null << ! select unique dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) dbspace from systabnames where dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) not matches "*$DBSPACE_EXCLUDE*" and dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) not matches "*temp*" and dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) not matches "logical" and dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) not matches "physical" order by 1 !` AVAIL=`echo $AVAIL | cut -d" " -f2-` # cut column name from list fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "$BOLD $NORMAL" echo "Tablename........: $TABLENAME" echo "Database.........: $DATABASE" if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo "Dbspace..........: $DBSPACE" fi echo "Pages............: $PAGES" echo "Kbytes...........: $KSIZE" echo "First Extent.....: $OLDFEXT" echo "Next Extent......: $OLDNEXT" echo "# of Extents.....: $EXTENTS" echo "$BOLD $NORMAL" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then while true do echo echo "Available DBSPACES are:" echo $BOLD echo $AVAIL | tr " " "\n" echo $NORMAL echo "Which DBSPACE will the newly reorganized table reside in ?" echo "Note: the same DBSPACE can be re-used." echo "Press [Enter] for same dbspace of ${BOLD}$DBSPACE${NORMAL}" read NEWDBSPACE if [ "${NEWDBSPACE}XXX" = "XXX" ]; then NEWDBSPACE=$DBSPACE fi COUNT=`echo $AVAIL | grep $NEWDBSPACE | wc -l` if [ $COUNT != 1 ] then echo echo "Sorry, $NEWDBSPACE is not a valid DBSPACE." echo "Please try again." continue else echo echo "New DBSPACE will be: ${BOLD}$NEWDBSPACE${NORMAL}" echo break fi done fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Note: no reason to get new FIRST extent, since alter fragment can't use it. ## ##while true ##do ## echo ## echo "Enter new FIRST Extent size (in Kbytes)" ## echo "Enter a whole number not less then 16" ## read FIRST ## ## if [ $FIRST -lt 16 ] ## then ## echo ## echo "Error: Minimum size is 16 K" ## continue ## fi ## break ##done while true do echo echo "Enter a NEXT extent size to be used in the defrag step (in Kbytes)" echo "Enter a whole number not less then 16" read NEXT if [ $NEXT -lt 16 ] then echo echo "Error: Minimum size is 16 K" continue fi break done while true do echo echo "Enter what the NEXT extent size should be set to AFTER the defrag (in Kbytes)" echo "Enter a whole number not less then 16" read NEXT_AFTER if [ $NEXT_AFTER -lt 16 ] then echo echo "Error: Minimum size is 16 K" continue fi break done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ while true do echo echo "$BOLD $NORMAL" echo "Tablename........: $TABLENAME" echo "Database.........: $DATABASE" echo "Pages............: $PAGES" echo "Kbytes...........: $KSIZE" echo "Old # of Extents.: $EXTENTS" echo if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo "Old Dbspace......: $DBSPACE" fi echo "Old First Extent.: $OLDFEXT" echo "Old Next Extent..: $OLDNEXT" echo if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo "New Dbspace......: $NEWDBSPACE" fi ## echo "New First Extent.: $FIRST" echo "Next Extent......: $NEXT (Used during the defrag)" echo "Next Extent......: $NEXT_AFTER (Set to AFTER the defrag)" echo "$BOLD $NORMAL" echo echo "OK ? (y/n)" read answer case $answer in Y|y|N|n) break;; esac done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Ok - Enough messing around - get to the real stuff #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ $answer = Y -o $answer = y ] then echo echo "Reorganizing table: $TABLENAME, please stand by..." dbaccess $DATABASE <<-EOF alter table $TABLENAME modify NEXT size $NEXT; EOF if [ $? != 0 ] then echo echo "Error: program canceled!" echo "Press <Enter> to continue:" read answer exit 1 fi if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then # NOT FRAGMENTED BY EXPRESSION dbaccess $DATABASE <<-EOF alter fragment on table $TABLENAME init in $NEWDBSPACE; EOF if [ $? != 0 ] then echo echo "Error: program canceled!" echo "Press <Enter> to continue:" read answer exit 1 fi else dbaccess $DATABASE $TEMP2 # FRAGMENTED BY EXPRESSION if [ $? != 0 ] then echo echo "Error: program canceled!" echo "Press <Enter> to continue:" read answer exit 1 fi fi dbaccess $DATABASE <<-EOF alter table $TABLENAME modify NEXT size $NEXT_AFTER; EOF if [ $? != 0 ] then echo echo "Error: program canceled!" echo "Press <Enter> to continue:" read answer exit 1 fi else echo "Note: No changes made." exit fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Reorganization completed - getting new information - please stand by..." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then DBSPACE=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<-EOF select dbinfo('dbspace',partnum) dbspace from systabnames where tabname = "$TABLENAME" and dbsname = "$DATABASE"; EOF` DBSPACE=`echo $DBSPACE | cut -d" " -f2` fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Checking new extents - please stand by..." EXT_INFO=`dbaccess sysmaster 2>/dev/null <<-EOF select dbsname, count(*) num_of_extents, sum(pe_size) total_size from systabnames, sysptnext where partnum = pe_partnum and tabname = "$TABLENAME" and dbsname = "$DATABASE" group by 1 order by 1 EOF` EXT_INFO=`echo $EXT_INFO | tail -1` DATABASE=`echo $EXT_INFO | cut -d" " -f4` EXTENTS=`echo $EXT_INFO | cut -d" " -f5` PAGES=`echo $EXT_INFO | cut -d" " -f6` KSIZE=`expr $PAGES \* $PAGESIZE \/ 1024` #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "Getting new extent settings..." NEXT=`dbaccess $DATABASE 2>/dev/null <<-EOF select nextsize from systables where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; EOF` NEXT=`echo $NEXT | cut -d" " -f2` FIRST=`dbaccess $DATABASE 2>/dev/null <<-EOF select fextsize from systables where tabname = "$TABLENAME"; EOF` FIRST=`echo $FIRST | cut -d" " -f2` #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ echo echo "$BOLD New Configuration $NORMAL" echo "Tablename........: $TABLENAME" echo "Database.........: $DATABASE" echo "Pages............: $PAGES" echo "Kbytes...........: $KSIZE" echo "# of Extents.....: $EXTENTS" if [ $FB_EXPRESSION = 0 ]; then echo "New Dbspace......: $DBSPACE" fi echo "New First Extent.: $FIRST" echo "New Next Extent..: $NEXT" echo "$BOLD $NORMAL" echo echo "Press <Enter> to continue" read answer rm -f $TEMP1 $TEMP2 done ################################################################################